
Thu 30 May 2024
When building trust and engaging with potential new clients, executive mastermind groups are one of the most powerful tools small business consultants can implore. These mastermind groups bring together various small business owners to facilitate high-level discussions of the real-life problems they face. Together, small business owners can share insights, discuss problems,  and develop innovative solutions based on their experiences. By facilitating a mastermind group, small business consultants can have a seat at the table. 

Small business owners may be more hesitant to receive consulting services because outsiders do not know the intricacies of their business and how it operates. Building trust with small business owners through mastermind group sessions can break the barrier of unfamiliarity preventing these small business owners from seeking consulting services. Furthermore, these small business owners may be wary about using such services simply due to unfamiliarity with the process. Allowing them to become familiar with the collaborative problem-solving processes used in mastermind groups can work to create an open mind about reaching out for consulting. 

Other concerns small business owners may have with consulting services include a lack of understanding and the perceived value of implementing consulting services. Small business owners may be unfamiliar with the available consulting resources specializing in tackling challenges that small businesses face. Even small business owners who are aware of these services, may not recognize the value of consulting services and think they can solve all problems on their own. Introduction to a mastermind group can help to break down these preconceived notions that all problems must be solved within the company and help them recognize how collaborative consulting can truly revolutionize their business. 

How do mastermind groups function? 

In determining whether facilitating a mastermind group will be a positive addition to one's current small business consulting initiatives, it’s crucial to understand what exactly mastermind groups are. Mastermind groups comprise a group of peers collaborating to provide support to one another through shared experiences. For the purpose of building a mastermind group comprised of potential clients, a mastermind group can include strictly small business owners. During regular meetings, each group member can discuss recent challenges or problems they are struggling with and receive guidance from other group members who have faced or are facing similar challenges. 

As a facilitator, advice can also be provided, however, this also presents an opportunity for offering more in-depth consulting services. Group members who are struggling, for example, with how to improve their company’s credit rating, may need more individualized recommendations to properly resolve this issue. Being a facilitator of these mastermind groups allows knowledge about which small business owner is struggling with this problem and may need more specialized help from a small business consultant. Facilitating these mastermind groups gives direct access to potential clients and current challenges they are struggling with. 

How does the creation of mastermind groups work? 

Acquiring small business owners to join a mastermind group without experience facilitating such groups can be a daunting task. This is where utilizing the help from companies with existing mastermind groups is beneficial. Some companies currently specialize in leading mastermind groups and have processes developed to acquire members of mastermind groups and resources on how to structure these meetings. Ambition in Motion (AIM) currently leads many mastermind groups and has recently launched services catered specifically to small business consultants interested in facilitating their own mastermind group. 

Investing in a license to utilize AIM’s executive mastermind groups, not only provides access to a network of potential new clients, it builds trust and meaningful relationships with small business owners. After licensing AIM’s mastermind group, the business development team will conduct client outreach through LinkedIn and other channels to build a mastermind group consisting of small business owners who are excited about this new opportunity. After the initial outreach, communication with potential mastermind group members will be handled directly and connections with these small business owners will begin to develop. 

Why is licensing AIM Mastermind Groups unique?

Licensing AIM’s Mastermind Group provides many benefits, primarily through the initial establishment of the groups. As mentioned previously, AIM will work directly on the mastermind group member reach out. It can be overwhelming to determine where to start with outreach efforts, so assistance from AIM’s business development team helps to guide these initial steps and set the mastermind group up for success. Additionally, AIM’s small business roots can provide a connection with these small business owners who may trust other small businesses but shy away from the word ‘consultants’. 

In addition to mastermind group member acquisition and the small business connection that AIM provides, overall more affordable licensing packages are a significant benefit of utilizing these services. Oftentimes, small businesses don’t have large budgets that can be used for mastermind groups or consulting services. A more affordable option will attract small business owners who were turned off in the past from such services due to their higher costs. Not only is the pricing attractive to small business owners, but the licensing fee for anyone interested in starting their own mastermind group is cost-effective. 

As a consultant, it can be difficult to obtain small business clients due to their resistance to change and outside help. Through licensing mastermind groups, consultants will gain access to various small business owners seeking to solve business problems while also building relationships with these owners. With this unique mastermind group connection, small business consultants can gain insights about current problems small business owners are facing and transition group members who need additional consulting expertise into clients. 

Thu 30 May 2024
Initiated by the COVID-19 pandemic workplace changes, there has been a major influx of professionals leaving their workplace industry to begin their careers as executive coaches. The number of executive coaches have multiplied consistently over the past five years, but the demand has not changed. Now, the introduction of these executive coaches has overpopulated the supply, with minimal change in the demand for their work. 

With these recent industry changes, executive coaches heavily compete for business and therefore must find creative methods to set themselves apart from competitors. Coaches have clients across industries and commonly offer one-day training on focuses that provide great value to teams in building culture, productive workplace habits, and creating a comforting environment for professionals along with a variety of other focuses. 

However, industry leader, McKinsey and Company has published an article sharing their findings that leaders prefer a group of peers to relate to and discuss with than a lecture style training. Once professionals reach executive levels in their organizations, coaching and training for growth is challenging. The ability to openly learn from other executive leaders is an amazing opportunity that encourages training, learning, and development in a non-conventional manner. 

Rather than focusing on day-to-day trainings executive coaches could consider leading an executive mastermind group to build a more impactful connection with the participating professionals. These groups meet for discussion on a regular basis for peer collaboration and advising. Coaches can lead and organize these groups and purchase materials and content to assist in leading mastermind groups to provide the most benefit to all participants. Inviting individuals to join an executive mastermind group can be a great way to spark business connections, encourage networking, and learn from industry peers and leaders. Additionally, professionals may find benefit in the cost-effectiveness of executive mastermind groups rather than a more costly executive coaching or consulting agreement. 

The value of peer collaboration and feedback add great benefit to executive mastermind groups for both coaches and participants. Executive mastermind groups provide a pivotal opportunity for coaches to refine their leadership skills and provide a platform that promotes learning from diverse perspectives and gaining peer insights. Furthermore, mastermind groups create a comforting environment for growth and support in making mistakes. Through mastermind collaboration efforts, leaders are enabled to achieve team goals, stay attuned to industry changes, and cultivate a community of support and psychological safety for learning and growth.  

In leading an executive mastermind group, executive coaches are given the opportunity to build relationships and a trust-based culture with leaders across varying industries. Providing a welcoming platform to facilitate networking and building relationships is a crucial aspect of developing a quality, focused mastermind group. In building this platform, individuals create a space of psychological safety and embrace mistakes that promote collective growth. 

Through executive mastermind sessions, executive coaches enhance their skills and contribute to the continuous evolution of professional education as a whole. Here are the top 6 reasons that executive coaches should consider starting an executive mastermind group:

  1. Business Development
By having an executive mastermind group, coaches are able to create a safe place for prospects to begin discussing their challenges. Executive coaching and training are intimate relationships built on high trust. An executive mastermind group creates an environment for coaches to build trust with their prospects who, when the time is right, will come to them seeking higher value engagements.

2. Networking and Relationship Building
Executive mastermind groups create a valuable environment to build long-lasting relationships and network with other executives across different industries. Through mastermind groups, coaches can learn more about specific industry measures that impact individuals, and, coaches are able to build their network and demonstrate their knowledge and ability. 

3. Expanding Impact
Through executive mastermind groups, coaches are able to further impact the professionals they advise. However, in a mastermind group, the executive coach is not the only individual leading towards team growth. Participant engagement and collaboration provide incredible benefits to professionals that cannot necessarily be gained through basic trainings. Executives face unique challenges and the solutions to these challenges cannot always be found in a textbook. Executives guide each other through continuous discussion and collaboration using their past experiences. Through executive mastermind groups, coaches are able to reach a larger audience with impactful guidance to leave a lasting impact on participants. 

4. Risk Aversion 
Through executive mastermind groups, coaches can benefit from a risk-averse strategy to expand their business. Rather than enacting a change across a team, department, or company, these individuals work with just a few leaders. By working with fewer individuals, coaches reduce the risk to their brand image and reputation. Additionally, for coaches still developing their businesses, mastermind groups provide an opportunity to network with leaders across industries which is crucial for expanding brand image and recognition. 

5. Scalability
An incredible perk of leading executive mastermind groups is the ability to easily scale groups. With flexibility benefits, coaches leading mastermind groups can guide a larger audience without sacrificing the quality of the session. Rather than a one-day training course on a specified topic, leaders can meet for 2 hours every other week and achieve similar results for personal growth because many executives are contributing to a group effort of guiding each other rather than the coach alone guiding the group. 

6. Brand Enhancement
By leading an executive mastermind group, coaches are able to enhance their leadership skills, industry knowledge, and brand image simultaneously. Partnering or using a specific company's mastermind group content is a great tool for coaches to start with, followed by adapting the materials for their specific client group. Through a reliable and well-designed mastermind course, coaches brand image and credibility will continuously increase.

Building an executive mastermind group cohort can be an incredibly strategic step for coaches to grow their businesses. Investing in mastermind group content offers a variety of benefits to both the leader and participants who collectively learn from each other. Through utilizing curated materials, mastermind group leaders can provide executives with a psychologically safe, supportive environment to share diverse experiences and learn from peers. 

If you are an executive coach and are interested in setting up your own executive mastermind group, schedule a conversation with Ambition In Motion to learn more.

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