How to Give Feedback to Your Boss

Your boss needs feedback to improve

Kendall Barndollar , Fri 7 February 2025
Effective communication is the most paramount element to success for every team. It is crucial for expectations and responsibilities to be clearly communicated and understood for goals to be met. However, managers frequently fail to communicate effectively. Without clear communication, teams often feel confused and frustrated and have demonstrated decreased productivity throughout groups. Poor communication can appear in a variety of mediums, including unclear instructions or responsibility expectations leading to repeated work or missed deadlines. When communication issues go unaddressed, they can contribute to an unhealthy work environment, hindering productivity and achievement and fostering a negative culture. 

The consequences of poor communication can be very impactful to a team. Group members experiencing communication issues commonly feel aggravated, unengaged, or confused, which all lead to an overall decrease in efficiency, team-wide. Another significant problem with poor communication is the elimination of critical feedback that is necessary for growth and improvement. Without proper feedback, employees may struggle to improve their performance or coordinate effectively with their team members.

For direct reports, initiating a conversation about communication challenges can be a daunting task. But, poor communicators will not realize their ineffectiveness unless someone brings it to their attention. Many employees fear that bringing up an issue such as this with a director may be viewed as criticism rather than constructive feedback. To avoid this issue, direct reports should phrase the meeting as a strategy session to talk about effective communication methods for the team. Rather than presenting flaws and personal attacks, direct reports should present solutions for the issues the team experiences, without pointing fingers. Fostering an open and honest conversation about communication gaps is essential for improving team culture and is a cornerstone to improving productivity. 

Meeting with a Manager
Prior to addressing communication concerns with superiors, direct reports need to recognize and document the specific issues affecting the team. Poor communication can happen through any medium but identifying the root of the issues will help in creating a strategy to improve. Some common indicators of ineffective communication are vague or confusing instructions, last-minute changes, and inconsistent messaging, creating a lack of transparency across a team. Perhaps most notably, managers will realize there has been a communication failure when a deadline or important deliverable is missed or inadequate. 
When discussing potential improvements with a leader, direct reports should be sure to come up with specific examples and targeted solutions. Rather than making ambiguous or vague statements, team members should really bring light to the problems the team has experienced with concrete examples of the patterns observed. Pointing out these issues with appropriate solutions aids in the manager's understanding of how an action may be affecting their team. 

By clearly explaining the problems and offering some solutions, a collaborative approach to problem-solving can be achieved to improve communication habits. When discussing potential solutions, direct reports should consider any tool that could benefit the group or team. When struggling with communication, team members may offer a variety of solutions including scheduling consistent check-in meetings, sending meeting recap emails, utilizing goal-tracking software, or holding open brainstorming sessions. By narrowing the focus to specific issues with proactive solution possibilities, team members can assist team leaders in building a beneficial communication environment. 

By pinpointing communication gaps, offering constructive feedback, and open communication methods, employees are enabled to improve the overall working environment of their team. Through proactive communication, direct reports can help lead the team to become a highly productive and collaborative group

Building Communication Culture
Although many communication issues can stem from a team leader or manager, it is also the group members' responsibility to uphold a beneficial communication culture within their team. To find sustainable changes for a team, members should work to build a communication norm of open and honest communication. Creating a norm of open communication dialogue will enable managers to share feedback and areas of improvement better, improving the skills of team members. 

The most crucial step to fostering open communication is establishing repeating opportunities for providing feedback. Leaders should be open to hearing what their direct reports have to say, whether, in questions or suggestions for new ideas, both parties grow from giving and receiving feedback. Managers who prioritize psychological safety within their teams will see the most success in creating an open dialogue within their teams. Creating a safe space where team members feel empowered to learn from each other and embrace mistakes will enable further conversation and collective growth. Although the onus may be on the manager to set the tone, it is the team's responsibility to consistently contribute and engage in communication to foster a positive culture. 

Overcoming previous communication issues to rebuild a positive communication norm within a team can be challenging. Oftentimes a poor tone at the top can influence the entire team to shift to ineffective communication. Team members and direct reports struggling with the manager's communication should recall that it is likely, not intentional. A difficult factor of communicating is that leaders who are poor communicators usually will only find out at the failure or collapse of a project or effort. Managers are commonly unaware of how their communication style and habits will impact the team. By finding specific examples of miscommunications, matching the resulting impact, and suggesting targeted solutions, members of a team can contribute to improving a communication issue. 

Effective communication is essential for every team but can be a common struggle for leaders. Miscommunication can create frustration, confusion and can deteriorate the productivity within a team as well. Direct reports play a vital role in bringing communication issues to light with their superiors and finding targeted solutions to approach communication flaws. Beyond individual conversations, direct reports have a key responsibility to uphold and practice positive communication habits and foster a productive team environment. Through proactive planning and innovative thinking, communication issues can be overcome to build a strong, collaborative, and efficient team culture.